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Home Actualités The sustainability of used and refurbished machinery

The sustainability of used and refurbished machinery

APRIL 2024

Last year, our customer base was once again very diverse. Peru, Argentina, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia, just to name a few. But this is nothing new for us at Cazander. In our impressive 28-year history, we've supplied machines to over 100 different countries.

When it comes to metal packaging manufacturing, especially printing and coating, Cazander is very experienced. In fact, we're proudly one of the largest players worldwide in printing and coating lines.

Our purchases mainly come from European countries, particularly the northern and western regions. This is mainly due to our storage warehouses located in Holland, but also due to the high quality of used machines from these areas.

In today’s circular economy, used capital goods are becoming increasingly popular and we’re taking full advantage of it. We expect this trend to become even stronger and are therefore focusing on refurbishment, together with our technical partner Veldkamp. By reusing machines instead of making new ones, we help make the climate better, saving an average of 1,250 tonnes of CO2 emissions every year. We work in an industry where both circularity and sustainability play a big role, which adds value and impact to our work.


Arnold Cazander
Arnold Cazander

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