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Home Actualités 2024 – a year of challenges and resilience

2024 – a year of challenges and resilience

January 2025

The new year has begun, and the holidays are now well behind us. While we turn our focus to the future, we’d like to briefly reflect on the developments that 2024 brings. For the canning industry, this year has proven to be quite a challenge. Following the remarkable years of the pandemic — during which the demand for canned products reached unprecedented levels — the market has now normalized. This has resulted in overcapacity for many manufacturers, creating less favorable conditions for machine suppliers like us. Economically, this situation can be described as part of the 'pig cycle.'

Nevertheless, amidst these challenges, there remains a source of resilience and balance: women. In times of adversity, there is often a strong woman nearby, helping to restore equilibrium. At Cazander, we are proud that over 65% of our team consists of women. This diversity provides us with the strength and optimism to look ahead to the new year with ambitious plans.

As the icing on the cake in this challenging year, I was asked to come up with a special gift for our business partners, one that puts women in the spotlight. Surprising? Perhaps... but even in this ‘world of cans,’ we are eager to show that women are indispensable here too.

#dreambig #thefemalelead #canmaking

Iris Goedegebuur
Iris Goedegebuur Freelance marketing communications

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