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Home Machines individuelles Marques Inghor

Inghor, global all-round trusted partner

about the brand

The Spanish company Inghor was founded in 1988. The company's headquarters is located in Elgoibar, a city in the province of Gipuzkoa, in the Basque Country, Spain.

Inghor offers a wide range of machinery, equipment, and technologies for the production of tin packaging, primarily for food and beverage applications. This includes machinery for forming, sealing, printing, and inspecting cans, as well as automation solutions for the entire production line.

As a leading player in the industry, Inghor is known for its focus on innovation and technological advancement. The company continuously invests in research and development to provide new and improved solutions that meet the needs and demands of customers in the tin packaging industry. Inghor's machinery and technologies are used in various production environments, from small artisanal operations to large industrial facilities.

Overall, Inghor is a renowned brand within the canmaking industry, known for its high-quality machinery and technologies for the production of tin packaging.

Cazander takes pride in trading quality used Inghor bundle turners

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